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Grade 7 Social Studies: Modern America

This collection for Grade 7 students focused on Social Studies: Modern America. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, explores the contemporary period of American history, highlighting the impact of modern presidents and the shifts that have defined a new era in the United States. The series covers crucial topics such as Modern Presidents and A New Era, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of recent political, social, and economic developments that shape today’s America. The series begins with "Modern Presidents," which examines the leadership, policies, and key events associated with recent U.S. presidents from Ronald Reagan to the present. This section explores their contributions to domestic and foreign policy, significant legislative acts, responses to global and national challenges, and the ways in which these leaders have influenced America’s position and image on the world stage. "A New Era" delves into the broader changes in American society, including technological advancements, shifts in the economy, changes in social norms, and the evolving landscape of civil rights. This part discusses how globalization, the digital revolution, and changing demographics have transformed American culture and daily life, highlighting key issues such as immigration, environmental policy, and the movement for equality across various sectors of society. Each book in this series encourages students to explore and understand the complexities of modern America. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for the ongoing changes that continue to shape the United States in the 21st century. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ understanding of contemporary issues and developments, preparing them for more detailed explorations in current events, technology, economics, and social studies.

The Clinton Administration | A Contract with America and the Clinton Era...


Ronald Reagan's Economic and Foreign Policies | Reaganism and Reagonomics Explained |...


Ronald Reagan Becomes US President | The Luckiest President, His Life and...

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