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Grade 6 - 8 Life Science: Ecology

This book series for middle school students (grades 6-8) focused on Life Science: Ecology. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, explores the interactions between organisms and their environments, the dynamics within and between ecosystems, and the global processes that sustain life on Earth. Covering essential topics such as Living Things and the Environment, Populations, Interactions among Living Things, Energy Flow in Ecosystems, Lab: Owl Pellets, Cycles of Matter, and Biomes, this series provides students with a thorough understanding of ecological principles and their applications. The series begins with "Living Things and the Environment," which introduces the basic concepts of ecology, including the definitions of habitat, niche, and the abiotic and biotic factors that influence the lives of organisms. "Populations" explores the dynamics of population growth and decline, factors affecting population size, and the strategies organisms use to adapt to their environments. This section covers concepts such as carrying capacity, reproductive strategies, and population density. "Interactions among Living Things" delves into the relationships between species, including predation, competition, symbiosis, and the importance of these interactions in maintaining balanced ecosystems. "Energy Flow in Ecosystems" examines how energy is transferred from the sun to producers and then to consumers through food chains and food webs. This section explains the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers in energy transfer and nutrient cycling. "Lab: Owl Pellets" provides a hands-on activity that allows students to investigate food chains practically by dissecting owl pellets and identifying the remains of prey animals, offering insights into local predator-prey dynamics. "Cycles of Matter" discusses the crucial biogeochemical cycles, including the water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and phosphorus cycle, detailing how these cycles are vital for sustaining life and how they are impacted by natural and human actions. "Biomes" covers the major biomes of the world, such as forests, grasslands, deserts, and aquatic ecosystems. This section describes the climate, flora, and fauna characteristic of each biome and discusses the ecological challenges they face. Each book in this series encourages students to explore and understand the complex web of life and the processes that underpin biodiversity and ecosystem health. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for environmental stewardship. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ knowledge of ecology, preparing them for more detailed explorations in environmental science, conservation, and global ecological issues.

Stuck in a Web! Food Webs vs Food Chains | Consumers, Producers...


What is an Ecosystem? Biotic Factors, Abiotic Factors, Habitats and Niches Explained...


Lean on Me! Types of Symbiotic Relationships | Competition, Predation, and Cooperation...


It's Cycle Time! Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle and Water Cycle in an...


What's in a Pellet? Owl Digestive System and Dissecting Owl Pellets |...


What is a Biome? Earth's Major Biomes | Organism Adaptations to Environments...


How Many is Too Many? Population Size and Environment Factors Explained |...

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