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Grade 6 - 8 Earth Science: Earth's Waters

This book series for middle school students (grades 6-8) focused on Earth Science: Earth's Waters. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, explores the vital role and dynamic nature of water in shaping our planet. Covering essential topics such as Surface Water, Environmental Changes in a Watershed, Groundwater, Ocean Water, and Ocean Circulation, this series offers students a detailed understanding of the different water systems and their interactions within Earth’s environmental processes. The series begins with "Surface Water," which delves into the water found on the surface of the Earth, including rivers, lakes, and streams. This section explains the hydrological cycle, the importance of surface water for ecosystems and human societies, and the impacts of pollution and human activities on these water bodies. "Environmental Changes in a Watershed" examines how watersheds function and the effects of environmental changes such as land use alteration, pollution, and climate change. Students will learn how these factors can alter water quality and availability in a watershed, affecting both natural habitats and human communities. "Groundwater" explores the water stored underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock. This part covers aquifers, the process of groundwater recharge, the importance of groundwater for agriculture and drinking supplies, and the issues related to its depletion and contamination. "Ocean Water" focuses on the composition, properties, and ecosystems of ocean water. It discusses the salinity, temperature, and density of seawater, and how these factors influence marine life and oceanic processes. Finally, "Ocean Circulation" covers the global movements of ocean water, including currents, gyres, and deep ocean circulation. This section explains how ocean currents affect global climate, weather patterns, and marine ecosystems, and discusses the role of the oceans in regulating the Earth's climate. Each book in this series encourages students to explore and understand the importance of Earth’s water systems. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for the roles that water plays in sustaining life and shaping the planet. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ knowledge of Earth Science, preparing them for more detailed explorations in hydrology, marine biology, and environmental science.

Down Underground! Understanding Groundwater, Saturated and Unsaturated Zones | Water Tables |...


Let's Visit the Wetlands! Components of a River System and Types of...


It's About Tides! Understanding Ocean Circulation, Waves, Currents and Tides | Grade...


Motion of the Ocean: Understanding Ocean Composition, the Ocean floor and Ocean...


It's a Watershed! How Environmental Changes and Human Activity affect Watersheds |...

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