Training for Authors, Writers and Publishing Professionals
Since 2014, Speedy Publishing LLC has trained over 1,700 authors how to independently, create, publish and market their books. With over 300 hours of training videos, hours of live Q & A webinars and dozens of published white papers and reports our content gives authors and writers the power to build their brand, market and distribute their content just the way they want.
Giving them the freedom to choose how involved they are in the book publishing process and more importantly lets the author and writer focus on what is important to them – creating entertaining and high quality content that will deliver value to the customer.
Our training videos are created with one goal in mind – to bridge the gap between good quality content, book distribution and reader discovery. Coordination of all three while not impossible, cannot be done successfully by just one person. A book can never truly reach its full potential if it’s hidden on a shelf and readers never hear its title.
On April 1, 2020 we begin new training modules, focused on teaching authors and other professionals in the publishing industry how to navigate this dynamic landscape. Lessons focus on:
Click Here to browse through our training website (going live on March 2, 2010).