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Grade 6 - 8 Earth Science: Weather and Climate

This book series for middle school students (grades 6-8) focused on Earth Science: Weather and Climate. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, delves into the complex interactions and phenomena that define Earth's weather systems and climate patterns. The series covers a broad range of topics including Air Masses and Fronts, Storms, Weather Forecasting, Weather Patterns, Factors That Affect Climate, Absorption and Radiation by Land and Water, Earth's Climate History, and Climate Change. This series equips students with a nuanced understanding of atmospheric sciences and the factors that influence weather and climate globally. The series begins with "Air Masses and Fronts," exploring how large bodies of air with uniform temperature and humidity characteristics influence weather conditions when they move and interact with different air masses, leading to weather fronts and the associated weather phenomena. "Storms" focuses on the formation and impact of various types of storms, including thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards. This section details the conditions necessary for these storms to develop, their effects on the environment and human activities, and safety measures for preparation and response. "Weather Forecasting" delves into the science and technology behind predicting weather, including the tools meteorologists use such as satellites, radars, and computer models. Students will learn about the importance of accurate weather forecasting in daily life and in managing natural disasters. "Weather Patterns" examines common weather patterns and systems around the world, explaining phenomena such as the El Niño and La Niña cycles and their effects on global weather and climate. "Factors That Affect Climate" discusses the various elements that influence climate regions, including latitude, elevation, nearby water bodies, ocean currents, and vegetation types. This part highlights how these factors collectively determine the climate characteristics of an area. "Absorption and Radiation by Land and Water" explains how different surfaces on Earth absorb and radiate heat differently, affecting local and global temperatures. This section underscores the role of the Earth’s surface features in climate regulation. "Earth's Climate History" explores the changes in climate throughout geological time, examining evidence from ice cores, sediment layers, and fossil records that reveal past climate conditions and shifts. Finally, "Climate Change" addresses the current changes in the global climate, focusing on the causes, evidence, effects, and responses to climate change. This part encourages critical thinking about human impact on climate and the various mitigation and adaptation strategies being implemented worldwide. Each book in this series encourages students to explore and understand the complex dynamics of weather and climate. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for the environmental sciences. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ knowledge of Earth Science, preparing them for more detailed explorations in meteorology, environmental science, and the crucial discussions surrounding climate change.

No Rain Today? How Human, Biologic and Geologic Activity Affect Global Climate...


Yesterday's Weather! Understanding Ancient Climate and Factors Causing Long Term Climate Change...


Not Another Cold Front! Major Types of Air Masses and Different Weather...


It's in the Angles | How Sunlight Angles Impact Climate and Heat...


Reason for the Seasons | What Causes Seasons and Factors Affecting Weather...


Spot that System! Weather Systems, Weather Patterns and the Impact of Atmospheric...


Today's Weather Forecast! Understanding Weather Maps and Meteorology | Weather Forecasting |...


Storming Out! Understanding Storm Formation, and Its Human and Environmental Impacts |...

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