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Grade 5 Social Studies: U.S. Politics 1801-1840

This collection for Grade 5 students focused on Social Studies: U.S. Politics 1801-1840. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, delves into a pivotal period in American history, covering the administrations and major events from President Thomas Jefferson to President Andrew Jackson. Topics include the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis & Clark Expedition, Zebulon Pike Expedition, the era of President James Madison including the War of 1812, President James Monroe and the Missouri Compromise, along with the significant political and social impacts of President Andrew Jackson's tenure. The series begins with "President Thomas Jefferson," exploring his presidency and the monumental Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. The "Lewis & Clark Expedition" and "Zebulon Pike Expedition" are covered in detail, highlighting these explorations' roles in expanding American frontiers and understanding the newly acquired territories. "President James Madison" introduces students to his leadership before and during the War of 1812, discussing how this conflict shaped national identity and American foreign policy. "President James Monroe" is noted for his role in the Missouri Compromise, a critical event in the lead-up to the American Civil War, and for articulating the Monroe Doctrine, which defined U.S. foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere. Lastly, "President Andrew Jackson" examines his influential and controversial presidency, known for his populist approach and policies such as the Indian Removal Act. Each book in this series encourages students to explore and understand the complexities of early U.S. politics and its leaders. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for the formative years of the United States' political landscape. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ understanding of American history, preparing them for more detailed explorations in U.S. politics and governance.

Who Was Meriwether Lewis? | Lewis and Clark Book for Kids Grade...


Sacajawea : The Native American Explorer | Women Biographies for Kids Grade...


Disunion by Force is Treason! : President Andrew Jackson | Grade 5...


Stop That Ship!: Before the War of 1812, Harrison vs. Tecumsah Grade...


Knowledge Will Forever Govern Ignorance! : President James Madison | Grade 5...


Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God! : President Thomas Jefferson |...


The Missouri Compromise and Its Effects Missouri History Textbook Grade 5 Children's...


What Was the Indian Removal Act? | Indian Tribes of America Grade...


Lewis & Clark Expedition : Exploring New Territory | Louisiana History Book...


Conflict in Florida : The Seminole Wars | Settlers and Native Americans...


Why Was There Fighting? The War of 1812 | Early American History...


William Henry Harrison : One Month President of the United States |...

$14.99 $18.74

What Happened to Tecumseh? | Tecumseh Shawnee War Chief Grade 5 |...


William Clark : The Explorer Who Won the Hearts of the Indians...


James Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine | World Leader Biographies Grade 5...


Who Was Napoleon Bonaparte? | World Leader Biographies Grade 5 | Children's...


Missouri Compromise Threatens National Unity | U.S. Politics 1801-1840 | History 5th...


Who Bought Louisiana? | Louisiana Purchase | U.S. Politics 1801-1840 | Social...


Zebulon Pike Expeditions and Other Adventure - The Life and Times of...


Why Did the US Government Need More Land? The Louisiana Purchase -...

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