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Grade 3 Science: Effects on the Shape of Earth

This collection for Grade 3 students focused on Science: Effects on the Shape of Earth. This collection, aligned with the STEM curriculum, explores how various factors influence Earth’s surface, including Factors of Surface Changes, Origins of Small Rocks, Amount of Water, Weathering & Erosion, and Recycling. The series begins with an examination of the Factors of Surface Changes, helping students understand the dynamic processes that shape the landscape, such as volcanic activity, earthquakes, and tectonic movements. Next, the books delve into the Origins of Small Rocks, explaining how rocks break down from larger formations into smaller pieces through natural processes. The topic of the Amount of Water discusses the critical role water plays in shaping Earth's surface, influencing everything from the formation of rivers and lakes to the sculpting of valleys and canyons. Additionally, the series covers Weathering & Erosion, providing insights into how these processes gradually wear down rocks and soil, reshaping the Earth's exterior. The concept of Recycling is introduced in the context of how Earth naturally recycles materials, like nutrients and minerals, to sustain ecosystems. Through vivid illustrations, engaging narratives, and interactive activities, each book in the series encourages students to observe and understand the natural forces that continually modify the Earth’s surface. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper appreciation for the planet's geological processes. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enhances students’ understanding of Earth science, preparing them for more advanced topics in environmental and physical sciences.

Where Do Small Rocks Come From? | Erosion and Weathering | Geology...


The Earth Looks Different : Forces that Change Landforms | Introduction to...


Why Should You Recycle? | Book of Why for Kids Grade 3...


The Process of Weathering & Erosion | Introduction to Physical Geology Grade...


I Bet Earth is Never Thirsty! - Water Systems and the Water...


The Earth is a Changing Planet - Earthquakes, Glaciers, Volcanoes and Forces...

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